Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Salvation-More Than Just Belief

This world, quite frankly, ticks me off! Must be one reason why I've decided to go into social work. Almost every aspect of it is disappointing. Sure, there are people out there trying to make it better and help those in need but a lot of the times that work is being done in vain anyways because they are lacking Jesus. So, it's confirmed that this world is rotten and full of sinners but I also want to talk about the part of the world that considers themselves to be living a Christian lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, there are people doing good things, following God's will, and serving him while furthering His Kingdom, and that's EXACTLY what I want to see more of! In fact that's what this world NEEDS...it's what we're CALLED to do! Living in America, statistically, the country is almost 80% Christian. My question though, is how many of them have true salvation and are truly following Christ?

Let me let you in on a basis of my testimony. I grew up going to church, I'm sure I knew the basis of the Gospel by a very young age. I memorized verses and participated in pretty much everything at church you could as a child. I like to say that I was soaking it all in like a sponge, which as a child is pretty much what you do with everything anyways. Then, my seventh grade year, at age 12, I went a winter retreat for a weekend at a camp in Michigan called Miracle Camp. That weekend is when the Gospel for some really finally sunk in. That was when I really believed that what I was being told all my life was actually true. Let me pause for a moment...most people probably think this is the end right? That's the completion of my story. Wrong! Notice how I said that's when I really BELIEVED. To me, and to have a true story of salvation, that is only step one. Continuing on, my life was great...for the rest of the weekend, or maybe even the week too. I finally understood who Jesus was and the power of what he actually did for me. Ok, cool. So it gave me something to reflect on every now and then. I've accepted His gift and am on track to an entry to heaven right? Wrong! He wants more from us than just to believe. Heck, even the demons believe (James 2:19) but we don't see them getting into heaven anytime soon! So my life continued on, back to the real world of being a middle school girl, which of course includes trying to fit in and all the details that fall under that category, which, by the way, is pretty much every aspect you can think of. So as you see, my life pretty much didn't change much at all. Is that what you'd call a Christian? If we don't act any different than we did before or than the world around us, how are people going to know that we're actually any different at all? Back then, I didn't have a clue! This went on for 2 1/2 more years of just calling myself a Christian but not letting Christ change my life. It was the summer before my freshman year when I got a wake-up call from a few of my friends. They taught me the importance of reading my bible more than just on Sundays and Wednesdays. If you want to learn and grow, you have to take time on your own to get into his Word. They taught me how to pray. Now, I know this sounds silly, but I really didn't know how to. I had never fallen on my knees and face and cried out in desperation for something huge like for God to save an entire family or our whole town. That is the kind of praying I learned to do. Big prayers. Prays of true faith, because we have a God that is capable of doing far more than we can ever even comprehend. (Ephesians 3:20) Ever since I learned how to do those things, following Jesus, and I mean truly following Him...being in communion with Him, serving under His name, spreading the Good News, has been a beautiful, hard, growing experience that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world! I have a RELATIONSHIP with Him, and that is what salvation really looks like.

Now this "Christian" world that I just so happen to live in has a lot of people who are still living life as the 12-14 year old me, just believing and accepting. When you accept Christ though, you are supposed accept His word to be true...all of it, and that includes a lot of specific instructions like not conforming to the normality of this world (Romans 12:2), loving Jesus way way more than your entire family and your own life (Luke 14:26), denying yourself and taking up your cross daily and following Him (Matthew 16:24), and making disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). When you live a life like this you will be eternally blessed and the more you read the bible the more you will learn about Jesus and become equipped to live more like Him, and the more in love with Him you'll fall! It's one thing to believe but being touched by His Spirit and having the God of the universe inside of you in Spirit form is simply incredible. That's what this world needs. So wake up America (and everywhere!!) and REALLY live your life for the One who was willing to die for you!!

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