Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Start of Something New

As you can tell, this is the start of something new. What is this something that I'm speaking of? Well, obviously, this being my first post, this whole blogging thing in itself is new to me. What else is new? The year! We're officially six days into the year 2013. I'm not exactly sure what I have planned for this here blog, but I told myself I'd make one this year, so here goes nothing! :)

You know what else is new? Me. I became a new creation the day I accepted Jesus Christ into my life. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." I'm no longer my own, I was bought with a price. (See 1 Corinthians 6:19-20) There's something beautiful about newness. Think of a newborn baby or newly fallen snow. A new flower sprouting up for the first time during the spring or hey, even making a new friend. The most beautiful thing of all though is the newness that only Jesus can provide. He can make ALL things new! It reminds me of a song by Gungor called "Beautiful Things." Here are a few of its lyrics:

You make me new, You are making me new

You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us

He makes beautiful things. Yes, it's true. Since I'm still going on the theme of newness. I'm gonna talk a bit about New Years Resolutions. Now, I'll be honest, I'm not usually one for making them...or more so keeping them, but last week I was asked by my friend/mentor what things I want to see change in my relationship with Christ this year. She told me she wants to be more consistent. I haven't answered her yet,  mostly because I wanted to think and pray over it a little and come up with some specifics. Sure, I could say "I wanna grow closer to God this year" or "I want to become more Christ-like" but that should be happening everyday and that's how it should always be for us...closer to God and more like Christ than we were last year, last month, or even just last week. 

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