Monday, January 15, 2018

Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop

January 18th, 2016. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. An already historical day, that would go down in history for my life as well. It was the day I met my now husband (I realize I haven't blogged since before I knew him. Clearly he's been distracting me! ;))

We had been chatting on Facebook for 2 days (thanks for putting the bug in our ears Natalie, Gabe, and Kyle!) when I finally made the initiative that we should meet since we both had the holiday off. We made sure our mutual friend, Kyle, was free and I asked a friend to come along as well for a more casual setting. The meeting place was a cute little coffee shop in a city between where we both lived. Eli's- a location that would play back as an important memory in my life.

The time had come. I spent our entire 35 minute drive talking my friend, Danielle's, ear off about all the nerves I was feeling and the expectations I was having. We pulled up. We quickly said a prayer to calm me. I took a deep breath as I opened my car door and took a step outside. We walked around the corner and there he was, right in the doorway. "Hi, I'm Nate! You must be Jessica!" said a tall curly-haired man with a big smile on his face. We made our introductions as we waited for our other friend to come.

Image result for eli's morton

Unfortunately, the place was packed, but fortunately our friend lived in the same town, so we went over to his place for awhile. Nate even did "The Whip." (Because what else would you do to lighten the mood when you're both obviously nervous?) We then hit some dinner at Nate's choice, a Chinese buffet, then headed back to the coffee shop. This time around it was much emptier so we were actually able to sit for awhile before Danielle and I had to head back to Bloomington.

Again, during the entire car ride, Danielle and I processed what we thought of the day and Nate. I was honestly unsure. It was a rather interesting time with quite a few weird, awkward moments, but looking back it sums up who we are perfectly. I however, must have made a good impression because I now know that after that meeting, Nate said to Kyle, "I could see myself dating and possibly marrying her someday." It didn't take long for him to make a lasting impression on me either.

Before meeting Nate, there weren't any potential suitors in my life and wondered if and how I could meet any eligible guys. Us meeting truly did come out of nowhere and was clearly orchestrated by God.